Data Types In JavaScript

Variables and Datatypes in JavaScript

In JavaScript, understanding variables and data types is crucial for effective programming. This knowledge forms the foundation for managing data and controlling program behavior. Aspect Description Variables Containers for storing data values. Declaration Keywords – var: Function-scoped or globally-scoped.– let: Block-scoped and reassignable.– const: Block-scoped and immutable after assignment. Data Types Data Type Description Example Number Represents Read more…

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JavaScript is widely recognized as one of the most powerful and versatile programming languages for web development. It plays a crucial role in making websites interactive, enabling features such as animations, dynamic content, and interactive forms. What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform, and single-threaded programming language primarily used for creating dynamic content Read more…

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JavaScript MCQ

JavaScript MCQ:- What does JavaScript use to indicate the start and end of a block of code? A) Curly braces { } B) Parentheses ( ) C) Square brackets [ ] D) Angle brackets < > Which of the following is the correct syntax to create a function in JavaScript? Read more…