Structures and Enumerations in C++

Enumerations C
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Structures and Enumerations in C++

C++ is a powerful programming language that offers a wide range of features to help developers organize and manage data effectively. Two such features are structures and enumerations. In this article, we’ll dive deep into these concepts, explore their syntax, usage, and benefits, and understand how they can enhance your C++ programming skills.

Understanding Structures in C++

Definition of Structures

A structure is a user-defined data type in C++ that allows grouping variables of different types under a single name. Think of it as a container that holds multiple related pieces of information together.

Enumerations C

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Purpose of Structures

Structures are used to represent a record. Suppose you want to keep track of a book in a library. You might want to store the title, author, and ISBN of the book. A structure can group these pieces of information under one name, making your code more organized and readable.

Defining a Structure

Syntax of Structure Declaration

To define a structure, you use the struct keyword followed by the structure name and a pair of curly braces enclosing the members of the structure.

struct Book {
std::string title;
std::string author;
int isbn;

Example of a Structure

Here’s a simple example of a structure definition for a Book.

struct Book {
std::string title;
std::string author;
int isbn;

Accessing Structure Members

Dot Operator Usage

Once you’ve defined a structure, you can create variables of that structure type and access its members using the dot (.) operator.

Book myBook;
myBook.title = "The Great Gatsby"; = "F. Scott Fitzgerald";
myBook.isbn = 123456789;

Examples of Accessing Members

Book myBook;
myBook.title = "1984"; = "George Orwell";
myBook.isbn = 987654321;
std::cout << "Title: " << myBook.title << std::endl;
std::cout << "Author: " << << std::endl;
std::cout << "ISBN: " << myBook.isbn << std::endl;

Initializing Structures

Different Initialization Methods

Structures can be initialized in several ways. You can initialize them directly, use a constructor, or even use designated initializers.

Book myBook = {"The Catcher in the Rye", "J.D. Salinger", 123456789};

Examples of Structure Initialization

Book book1 = {"Pride and Prejudice", "Jane Austen", 111111111};
Book book2;
book2.title = "To Kill a Mockingbird"; = "Harper Lee";
book2.isbn = 222222222;

Structures and Functions

Passing Structures to Functions

You can pass structures to functions by value or by reference. Passing by reference is more efficient, especially for large structures.

void printBook(const Book &b) {
std::cout << b.title << " by " << << " (ISBN: " << b.isbn << ")" << std::endl;

Returning Structures from Functions

Functions can also return structures. This is useful when you want to create and initialize a structure within a function and return it.

Book createBook() {
Book b;
b.title = "Fahrenheit 451"; = "Ray Bradbury";
b.isbn = 333333333;
return b;

Nested Structures

Definition and Usage

Nested structures are structures within structures. They allow for more complex data organization.

struct Author {
std::string name;
int birthYear;
struct Book {
std::string title;
Author author;
int isbn;

Examples of Nested Structures

Author author1 = {"J.K. Rowling", 1965};
Book book1 = {"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", author1, 444444444};
std::cout << "Title: " << book1.title << std::endl;
std::cout << "Author: " << << std::endl;
std::cout << "Birth Year: " << << std::endl;

Understanding Enumerations in C++

Definition of Enumerations

An enumeration (enum) is a user-defined type that consists of a set of named integral constants. It’s used to assign names to the integral constants which make a program easy to read and maintain.

Purpose of Enumerations

Enumerations are used to define variables that can only take one out of a small set of possible values, thereby improving code clarity and reliability.

Defining an Enumeration

Syntax of Enumeration Declaration

To define an enumeration, use the enum keyword followed by the enumeration name and a list of enumerator names enclosed in curly braces.

enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };

Example of an Enumeration

enum Direction { NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST };

Using Enumerations

Assigning Values to Enumeration Members

By default, the first enumerator is assigned the value 0, and each subsequent enumerator is incremented by 1. You can also manually assign values.


Examples of Enumeration Usage

Color myColor = GREEN;
Weekday today = WEDNESDAY;
if (today == WEDNESDAY) {
std::cout << "It's Wednesday!" << std::endl;

Enumerations and Scope

Global vs. Local Enumerations

Enumerations can be declared globally or locally within a function or a class. Global enumerations are accessible throughout the program, while local enumerations are confined to the scope in which they are declared.

enum Status { SUCCESS, FAILURE };
void checkStatus() {
enum LocalStatus { PENDING, COMPLETED };
LocalStatus taskStatus = COMPLETED;
// LocalStatus is only accessible within this function


Scope Resolution Operator

To access a global enumeration when a local one exists, you can use the scope resolution operator (::).

Status globalStatus = SUCCESS;
std::cout << ::SUCCESS << std::endl; // Accessing the global SUCCESS

Strongly Typed Enumerations (enum class)

Definition and Benefits

C++11 introduced strongly typed enumerations using the enum class keyword. These provide better type safety and scoping.

enum class TrafficLight { RED, YELLOW, GREEN };

Examples of Strongly Typed Enumerations

TrafficLight light = TrafficLight::RED;
if (light == TrafficLight::RED) {
std::cout << "Stop!" << std::endl;

Combining Structures and Enumerations

Using Enumerations within Structures

You can use enumerations as members of structures to enhance data representation and safety.

struct TrafficSignal {
std::string location;
TrafficLight light;
TrafficSignal signal1 = {"Main St", TrafficLight::GREEN};

Practical Examples

TrafficSignal signal = {"5th Ave", TrafficLight::YELLOW};
if (signal.light == TrafficLight::YELLOW) {
std::cout << "Caution at " << signal.location << std::endl;

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Mistakes in Structures

  • Uninitialized Members: Always initialize structure members to avoid undefined behavior.
  • Improper Member Access: Ensure correct use of the dot operator to access structure members.

Mistakes in Enumerations

  • Implicit Conversions: Avoid using plain enum to prevent implicit conversions. Use enum class for type safety.
  • Value Clashes: Ensure enumerator values are distinct to prevent logical errors.


In this article, we’ve explored the powerful concepts of structures and enumerations in C++. Structures help in organizing complex data types, while enumerations provide a way to define a set of named constants. By mastering these features, you can write more organized, readable, and maintainable code.


What is the main difference between structures and classes in C++?

The main difference is that, by default, members of a class are private, while members of a structure are public. Additionally, classes support inheritance and polymorphism, which structures do not.

Can structures in C++ have member functions?

Yes, structures in C++ can have member functions, just like classes. This allows for more encapsulation and functionality within the structure.

How do you access enumeration values in C++?

Enumeration values can be accessed directly using the enumeration name, or with the scope resolution operator if using enum class. For example, Color::RED.

Why use enumerations over plain integers?

Enumerations improve code readability and maintainability by allowing you to use meaningful names instead of arbitrary numbers. They also provide type safety, especially with enum class.

What are the benefits of using strongly typed enumerations?

Strongly typed enumerations (enum class) provide better type safety, prevent implicit conversions, and avoid naming conflicts, making your code more robust and easier to understand.

Nagendra Kumar Sharma I Am Software engineer

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