introduction to array
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Arrays provide a versatile and organized way to store multiple pieces of related data arranged in an ordered sequence. They allow you to store multiple values of the same data type under a single identifier and perform repetitive tasks on each element.

In this chapter, you will learn how to declare and initialize arrays. You will also learn how to access individual elements within an array using index notation and modify them. Additionally, you will learn how to use loops to iterate through array elements and perform operations on each element.

How to Declare and Initialize an Array in C

To declare an array in C, you first specify the data type of the elements the array will store. This means you can create arrays of type int, float, char, and so on. You then specify the array’s name, followed by the array’s size in square brackets. The size of the array is the number of elements that it can hold, and this number must be a positive integer. Keep in mind that arrays have a fixed size, and once declared, you cannot change it later on.

Here is the general syntax for declaring an array:

data_type array_name[array_size];

For example, to declare an array of integers:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int grades[5];

In the example above, we created an array named grades that can store 5 int numbers.

After declaring an array, you can initialize it with initial values. To do this, use the assignment operator = followed by curly braces {}. The curly braces will enclose the values, and each value should be separated by a comma.

Here is how to initialize the grades array:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int grades[5] = {50, 75, 100, 67, 90};

Keep in mind that the number of values should match the array size; otherwise, you will encounter errors.

It is also possible to partially initialize the array:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int grades[5] = {50, 75, 100};

In this case, the remaining elements will be automatically initialized to zero.

Another way to initialize arrays is to omit the array’s length inside the square brackets and only assign the initial values. Here’s an example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int grades[] = {50, 75, 100, 67, 90};

In this example, the size of the array is 5 because it is initialized with 5 values.

How to Find the Length of an Array in C Using the sizeof() Operator

To find the length of an array in C, you can use the sizeof() operator. The sizeof() operator returns the size in bytes of a variable or data type. By using this operator, you can determine the size of the entire array and the size of a single element, and then calculate the number of elements in the array.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Calculate the total size of the array using sizeof(array).
  2. Calculate the size of a single element using sizeof(array[0]).
  3. Divide the total size by the size of one element to get the number of elements.

Here’s an example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int grades[] = {50, 75, 100, 67, 90};

// Calculate the total size of the array in bytes
int totalSize = sizeof(grades);

// Calculate the size of a single element in bytes

int elementSize = sizeof(grades[0]);

// Calculate the number of elements in the array

int length = totalSize / elementSize;

// Print the length of the array

printf("The length of the array is: %d\n", length);

return 0;

In this example:

  • sizeof(grades) returns the total size in bytes of the grades array.
  • sizeof(grades[0]) returns the size in bytes of a single element of the array.
  • Dividing the total size by the size of one element gives the number of elements in the array.

When you run this program, it will output:

The length of the array is: 5

How to Access Array Elements in C

In C programming, arrays are a collection of elements of the same type stored in contiguous memory locations. To access elements of an array, you can use the array index notation. Here’s a guide on how to access array elements in C:

1. Declaring an Array

First, you need to declare an array. An array declaration specifies the type of elements and the number of elements.

int myArray[5];
// Declares an array of 5 integers

2. Initializing an Array

You can initialize an array at the time of declaration:

int myArray[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
// Initializes the array with values

3. Accessing Array Elements

To access individual elements of the array, use the index of the element within square brackets. Remember that array indices in C start from 0.

int firstElement = myArray[0];
// Accesses the first element (10)
int secondElement = myArray[1];
// Accesses the second element (20)

4. Modifying Array Elements

You can also modify the elements of the array by assigning new values to specific indices:

myArray[2] = 35;
// Changes the third element to 35

5. Accessing Elements Using a Loop

A common way to access all elements of an array is by using a loop. Here’s an example using a for loop:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int myArray[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
printf("Element at index %d: %d\n", i, myArray[i]);
return 0;

6. Out-of-Bounds Access

Attempting to access an element outside the valid range of indices will result in undefined behavior, which can lead to program crashes or unexpected results. Always ensure the index is within the bounds of the array:

// This is incorrect and will result in undefined behavior
if i >= 5
int outOfBounds = myArray[5];

7. Multi-dimensional Arrays

For multi-dimensional arrays, access elements by specifying multiple indices:

int matrix[3][3] = {
{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9}
int element = matrix[1][2];
// Accesses element at second row,
third column (6)


  • Declare an array: int myArray[5];
  • Initialize an array: int myArray[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
  • Access elements: int value = myArray[0];
  • Modify elements: myArray[1] = 25;
  • Use loops for access: for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ... }
  • Avoid out-of-bounds access: Ensure index is within 0 to array_size - 1
  • Multi-dimensional arrays: int value = matrix[1][2];

Following these guidelines will help you effectively work with arrays in C.

How to Modify Array Elements in C

Modifying array elements in C is a straightforward process. Below are the steps and examples demonstrating how to do it:

Steps to Modify Array Elements in C

  1. Declare and Initialize the Array:
    • You can declare an array of a certain type (e.g., int, float, char) and optionally initialize it with values.
  2. Access Array Elements:
    • Array elements are accessed using their index. Array indices start at 0 in C.
  3. Modify Array Elements:
    • Assign a new value to the array element using its index.

Example Code

Here’s an example to illustrate modifying elements in an array of integers:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
// Step 1: Declare and Initialize the Array
int numbers[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

int size = sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(numbers[0]); // Calculate the size of the array


Step 2: Print the Original Array
printf("Original Array:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", numbers[i]);
// Step 3: Modify Array Elements

numbers[1] = 25; // Change the second element (index 1) to 25

numbers[3] = 45; // Change the fourth element (index 3) to 45
// Step 4: Print the Modified Array
printf("Modified Array:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", numbers[i]);
return 0;


  • Declare and Initialize:
    int numbers[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

    This line declares an integer array numbers with 5 elements.

  • Print the Original Array:
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    printf("%d ", numbers[i]);

    A for loop is used to print each element of the array.

  • Modify Array Elements:
    numbers[1] = 25; // Change the second element (index 1) to 25
    numbers[3] = 45; // Change the fourth element (index 3) to 45

    The elements at indices 1 and 3 are updated with new values.

  • Print the Modified Array: Similar to printing the original array, another for loop prints the modified array elements.

Additional Tips

  • Bounds Checking: Always ensure that you do not access indices out of the array’s bounds. Accessing an out-of-bounds index leads to undefined behavior.
  • Using Loops for Bulk Modification: You can use loops to modify multiple elements at once. For instance, to set all elements to zero:
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    numbers[i] = 0;

By following these steps, you can easily modify array elements in C.

How to Loop  an Array in C

Looping through an array in C can be accomplished using different types of loops such as for, while, and do-while loops. Below are examples of how to use each type of loop to iterate over an array.

Using a for Loop

A for loop is often the most straightforward way to loop through an array. It allows you to initialize a counter, set a loop continuation condition, and define the increment all in one line.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int length = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
printf("%d ", array[i]);
return 0;

Using a while Loop

A while loop is useful when you want to check a condition before each iteration. Here’s how you can use it to loop through an array:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int length = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);

int i = 0;

while (i < length)

printf("%d ", array[i]);
return 0;

Using a do-while Loop

A do-while loop ensures that the loop body is executed at least once before the condition is tested.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int length = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
int i = 0;
printf("%d ", array[i]);
while (i < length);
return 0;

Detailed Explanation

  1. Initialization: In each loop type, you initialize a counter (i) that will keep track of the current index of the array.
  2. Condition: The loop will continue to execute as long as the condition (i < length) is true. This ensures that you do not access elements outside the bounds of the array.
  3. Increment: After each iteration, the counter is incremented (i++) so that the loop progresses through the array.


  • Use a for loop for concise and clear looping through an array.
  • Use a while loop if you need to test the condition before each iteration.
  • Use a do-while loop if you need the loop to execute at least once regardless of the condition.

These basic loops can handle most scenarios you’ll encounter when working with arrays in C.

Nagendra Kumar Sharma I Am Software engineer

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