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Mastering Unix: All Important Commands with Suitable Examples

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Mastering Unix: All Important Commands with Suitable Examples

Unix, a powerful and versatile operating system, serves as the backbone for many servers, desktops, and embedded systems. Mastering Unix commands is essential for system administrators, developers, and IT professionals. This comprehensive guide will cover the most important Unix commands, providing suitable examples to illustrate their usage.

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Introduction to Unix Commands

Unix commands are the basic tools for interacting with the Unix operating system. These commands can manage files, processes, and system operations. Understanding these commands can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency in a Unix environment.

Basic File Management Commands

1. ls – List Directory Contents

The ls command is used to list the files and directories within a directory.


ls -l

This command will display the contents in a long format, including file permissions, number of links, owner, group, size, and time of last modification.

2. cd – Change Directory

The cd command allows you to navigate through directories.


cd /home/user/Documents

This command changes the current directory to /home/user/Documents.

3. pwd – Print Working Directory

The pwd command displays the current directory path.



This command outputs the absolute path of the current working directory.

4. mkdir – Make Directory

The mkdir command is used to create new directories.


mkdir new_directory

This command creates a directory named new_directory.

5. rmdir – Remove Directory

The rmdir command removes empty directories.


rmdir old_directory

This command removes the directory named old_directory.

File Manipulation Commands

6. cp – Copy Files and Directories

The cp command copies files or directories from one location to another.


cp source.txt destination.txt

This command copies source.txt to destination.txt.

7. mv – Move or Rename Files and Directories

The mv command moves or renames files and directories.


mv oldname.txt newname.txt

This command renames oldname.txt to newname.txt.

8. rm – Remove Files and Directories

The rm command removes files or directories.


rm file.txt

This command deletes the file named file.txt.

9. cat – Concatenate and Display Files

The cat command displays the content of files.


cat file.txt

This command outputs the content of file.txt to the terminal.

10. touch – Create or Update File Timestamps

The touch command creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file.


touch newfile.txt

This command creates a new file named newfile.txt.

File Viewing Commands

11. more and less – View File Contents

The more and less commands are used to view the content of files one page at a time.


less file.txt

This command displays the content of file.txt one page at a time, allowing for navigation.

12. head – View the Beginning of a File

The head command displays the first few lines of a file.


head -n 10 file.txt

This command shows the first 10 lines of file.txt.

13. tail – View the End of a File

The tail command displays the last few lines of a file.


tail -n 10 file.txt

This command shows the last 10 lines of file.txt.

Text Processing Commands

14. grep – Search Text Using Patterns

The grep command searches for patterns within files.


grep "search_term" file.txt

This command searches for the term search_term in file.txt.

15. sed – Stream Editor for Filtering and Transforming Text

The sed command is used for modifying files on a per-line basis.


sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt

This command replaces all instances of old with new in file.txt.

16. awk – Pattern Scanning and Processing Language

The awk command is a powerful text processing tool.


awk '{print $1}' file.txt

This command prints the first field of each line in file.txt.

System Monitoring Commands

17. ps – Report a Snapshot of Current Processes

The ps command provides a snapshot of current processes.


ps aux

This command lists all running processes with detailed information.

18. top – Display Linux Tasks

The top command displays real-time information about running processes.



This command opens an interactive interface to monitor system processes.

19. df – Report File System Disk Space Usage

The df command displays disk space usage of file systems.


df -h

This command shows the disk usage in a human-readable format.

20. du – Estimate File Space Usage

The du command estimates file space usage.


du -sh directory

This command displays the total size of the directory.

Network Commands

21. ping – Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to Network Hosts

The ping command checks the connectivity to a network host.



This command sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to

22. netstat – Print Network Connections

The netstat command displays network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.


netstat -tuln

This command lists all listening ports and their respective states.

23. ifconfig – Configure Network Interface

The ifconfig command is used to configure the network interfaces.


ifconfig eth0

This command displays the configuration of the eth0 network interface.

Permissions Commands

24. chmod – Change File Modes or Access Permissions

The chmod command changes the file permissions.


chmod 755

This command sets the permissions of to read, write, and execute for the owner, and read and execute for group and others.

25. chown – Change File Owner and Group

The chown command changes the ownership of files or directories.


chown user:group file.txt

This command changes the owner and group of file.txt to user and group.


Understanding and mastering Unix commands can greatly enhance your efficiency and effectiveness when working with Unix-based systems. These commands, from basic file management to advanced text processing and network commands, form the foundation of Unix proficiency.

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